As a soon-to-be-wed woman, I never thought I would get the "new name jitters." After all, I am a Filipina born and bred, and along with the culture comes the inborn machismo we inherited from the Spanish (by the way, congratulations on the World Cup!) I spent my childhood like most young Filipinas, doodling my first name along with the last name of the boy I happened to have a crush on that week, fantasizing about our happy marriage, the big house we would live in and how cute our 6 children would be. (Um yeah... that was 20-odd years ago).
It started innocuously enough when my fiance and I finally opened our joint bank account. I was setting up my online banking and the computer asked me to choose another user name, as mvaleriano was "already in use" (who is this other mvaleriano? And did she marry into the name Valeriano? Because, if so, I'd like to argue that THAT name was already in use as of 1977). I had a brief flash of inspiration - why not use my married name to kick off my new bank account, and thus my new financial reality?
So there it was: MSalta. My new username, my new identity.
Who on earth is M Salta? Someone who will not legally exist until our wedding in September. Someone who has lived her whole life under another name, had kids in school call her by her surname ("Hoy, Valeriano!"), has all the hangups and psychological associations with a long, multisyllable, vaguely Italian sounding, hard to spell word at the beginning of all her legal documents. Also someone whose ancestors are quite well known (Col. Napoleon Valeriano, you can't make his name up, was a famous army commander in the 1950s in the Philippines. Ditto for my uncle, Vic Valeriano, who is in the US Army Ranger Hall of Fame).
Beginning September, my name will be literally cut in half. The upside: no more spending an extra 5 minutes spelling my name out over the phone when making transactions. No more people asking if I am Italian (although ironically, Salta is short for Saltalamacchia, and my husband's ancestors are Italian).
The downside: well, I just never thought about being called anything different before. It's like someone giving you a new birthday - suddenly, something you have lived with your entire life is completely changed. And just like a new birthday, it has ramifications. If you were born in June and suddenly had your birthday changed to December, you can now expect to have only 1 birthday/Christmas gift (trust me, I'm a December baby). You will also have to start rethinking your birthday parties, from beach BBQs to ski trips. And what about your new astrological sign?
Will people think better of me with a shorter, less ethnic sounding name? Will they hear my name on the phone and assume I am a different color, socio-economic background or education level than when I had my old name? Should I do the witness protection thing and change my first name too?
And what happens now that people can't recognize my last name anymore? What about the pride I used to feel when people said, "Valeriano? Are you related to that Valeriano? Oh how wonderful!" Granted, there are fantastic Saltas in the world, and obviously I will love to finally be a part of my wonderful in-laws, who have been nothing but loving and supportive. But a part of me is sad that my name will no longer reflect my lineage, or the time I have put into making my family proud by burnishing their name through my accomplishments.
It makes me briefly think of sticking to my guns and saying no, I will keep my name, dammit. I've worked way too hard on it to give it up as a sign of "belonging" to someone. I am nobody's property. And while I'm at it I shall burn my bra!
But really, isn't that why I am marrying? To belong to another person and and embrace another tribe? To have my kids belong to a family and not 2 individuals? If I wanted to keep my name I could have easily gone Hollywood and had a Brad and Angelina relationship, partners for life but not wedded spouses. But like I said - A Filipina born and bred. I don't roll with casual partnerships. And without the ceremony before God and man making the union official, it would never feel right. And I guess... neither would keeping my name.
What's in a re-name? I guess I am about to find out. And I hope (which I think it will) that the new name just adds another layer of richness, another chapter in the book of my life. If people read into me far enough, they'll see who I've come from and where I've been. Then I can spell my old name out for them and relish the fact that I don't have to do it as often anymore.
July 12, 2010
June 15, 2010
Sheila Kelly Speaks the Truth
Just a quick shout out to the ever lovely, ever inspiring Sheila Kelly (from the pole-dancing school S Factor, whose message of self-love and self-discovery has women all over the US moving in time to their own rhythm). Val discovered an interview on the Tabby Biddle blog and I wanted to share it with you all. Tabby - thank you for your well thought out questions!
I hope you can read the whole article through - it's an unbelievably powerful manifesto of freeing yourself from sexual repression (and no, that does not equate to acting like a slut). It's also a challenge for women everywhere to celebrate our sexual energy, that wonderful and mysterious part of us that makes us powerful, beautiful and unique.
Let's stop thinking of "sexy" as a dress size, a certain height, or a certain lack of clothing. Sexy is a mindset - a position of loving ourselves and showing that love to the world. Nobody proves it better than Sheila.
Check out Sheila's fabulous interview HERE.
S Factor,
Sheila Kelly,
Tabby Biddle
May 27, 2010
Welcome Valeria!
In a bizarre twist, it seems that Footsie SF women tend to attract namesakes. There's Monica Michelle, Michelle Valeriano, Valerie Cunningham - and now, Valeria Navea.
Valeria is an incoming junior at USC and is bringing her fresh perspective, seasoned marketing skills and awesome attitude to Footsie for the summer. We are so excited to have her on board and have a great summer with our new addition!
Watch out for more of Valeria's story, thoughts and perspectives on being a woman - right here on Footsie SF.
Footsie SF,
new additions,
Valeria Navea
May 19, 2010
The many shapes of beauty
I got an email the other day from a good friend of mine who had just been through the Footsie website. After declaring her love of the idea of a boudoir party, Karen made a fantastic point. I hope she won't mind me quoting her here as I love her honesty and tone.
"If I were in the market for a service like this," she wrote, "I would be very self-conscious and unsure about booking a party. I know your site says everyone woman's beautiful, but it can be hard to believe that your service can make an average, larger or older women look good, too."
Karen, you're not alone. I get this question/sentiment a lot when I talk to women about our parties. At first, us Footsie ladies were just plain blown away by the number of nubile, beautiful women who allowed themselves to be photographed and appear on our site. BUT - precisely because these women are beautiful (and most of them have modeled at one time or other), they do belong to the very rare percentage of females who don't mind showing their bodies in public. I mentioned to Karen that it's challenging to find a woman who doesn't have perfect model proportions to be willing to bare it all for the web.
Now....Here's the amazing, mind blowing part. Karen actually agreed to model for us. Not only that - she brought her friend Melissa. Not only THAT - they both agreed to show their pictures on our site!
Karen and Melissa joined our uber hairstylist Lisa Holt (who also volunteered to be in front of the camera) and did a boudoir shoot so fun, they wished we had started earlier and ended MUCH later. Here are some of the gorgeous pictures we got from the day.
I mean.... HOLY COW! Over and above the absolute gorgeousness, you can sense how relaxed, happy and confident these women are (this is also a huge testament to Val Cunningham's fashion styling and Monica Michelle's photographic prowess).
So. Any doubts about whether a non-model-sized woman can be beautiful in a boudoir picture? Any objections to the statement that beauty comes in all shapes, colors and sizes? Yeah.... didn't think so.
"If I were in the market for a service like this," she wrote, "I would be very self-conscious and unsure about booking a party. I know your site says everyone woman's beautiful, but it can be hard to believe that your service can make an average, larger or older women look good, too."
Karen, you're not alone. I get this question/sentiment a lot when I talk to women about our parties. At first, us Footsie ladies were just plain blown away by the number of nubile, beautiful women who allowed themselves to be photographed and appear on our site. BUT - precisely because these women are beautiful (and most of them have modeled at one time or other), they do belong to the very rare percentage of females who don't mind showing their bodies in public. I mentioned to Karen that it's challenging to find a woman who doesn't have perfect model proportions to be willing to bare it all for the web.
Now....Here's the amazing, mind blowing part. Karen actually agreed to model for us. Not only that - she brought her friend Melissa. Not only THAT - they both agreed to show their pictures on our site!
Karen and Melissa joined our uber hairstylist Lisa Holt (who also volunteered to be in front of the camera) and did a boudoir shoot so fun, they wished we had started earlier and ended MUCH later. Here are some of the gorgeous pictures we got from the day.
I mean.... HOLY COW! Over and above the absolute gorgeousness, you can sense how relaxed, happy and confident these women are (this is also a huge testament to Val Cunningham's fashion styling and Monica Michelle's photographic prowess).
So. Any doubts about whether a non-model-sized woman can be beautiful in a boudoir picture? Any objections to the statement that beauty comes in all shapes, colors and sizes? Yeah.... didn't think so.
Lisa Holt,
Melissa Cross,
plus size models
April 29, 2010
Hot Momma Specials for May!
As we move ever deeper into Spring, the season of rebirth, Footsie Boudoir would like to give a big, enthusiastic shout out to the people we all come from - our mothers!
That’s right - all you women out there, raising kids of all ages. Staying up late to handle breast feeding, slumber parties, bad dreams, and curfew breaking. All of you who prep breakfast, dinner, milk bottles and midnight snacks. Who work so hard to make life good for your kids, so your kids can grow up and make life good for others.
To show our thanks, we’re making it easier than ever for moms across the Bay to get some girl time, get some “me” time, and get gorgeous for the camera!
For the month of May, all hot mommas can avail of the following knockout Footsie Boudoir deals. Choose ONE per party:
- Host a party with Footsie SF and get a free, 8x10 ready to frame print! Value: $70
- If half the women in your group are mothers, get 10% off on your party! Value: $150
- Let us use your photos on our website and print materials, and get 20% off on your party! Value: $300
Parties are booking FAST so email us or call (510) 919-7513 today. See you soon!
April 22, 2010
Hot Mommas - 3 reflections on beauty and motherhood
As an all-woman company, Mother's day - which is just around the corner - is a special day for us at Footsie Boudoir. Not only is Monica the proud mother of 2, but many of our guests are mothers as well - and have shared their baby pictures and stories as they posed with us.
A lot of women say that they are frightened of pregnancy and motherhood, not just for the awesome responsibility but the physical toll it takes on a woman's body. Let's face it - gravity and pregnancy don't usually conspire to make us tighter or more svelte. But motherhood in all its messy, crazy glory rewards women in other ways: making them wiser, more caring, and ultimately more beautiful.
We asked 3 moms - all Footsie guests at one point or another - to weigh in on how having kids has given them new ideas and perceptions of beauty. Our hot mommas are:
Britt Michaelian
The Smart Start Up Coach for Moms
3 children
Karen Jones
Administrative Assistant at Towers Perrin
1 child
Alicia Dunams
Author, business coach and publishing consultant -
1 child
Some things change (their personal meaning of the word "beauty"), and some things don't (the stretchmarks and saggy bellies). Ultimately, however, these women don't have a problem finding beauty in themselves - and teaching their children to do the same.
We hope that moms out there can sympathize. Feel free to add your own thoughts on the comment area!
Has your definition of beauty changed since having children? How so?
BRITT: Yes! When you look at your own children, you think they are absolutely gorgeous. When they smile, laugh, hug, kiss, sleep and even cry... there is beauty in each facet of humanity. I've learned to appreciate the beauty in everyone. When I took S Factor - yes, pole dancing class - I learned for the first time in my life to see the beauty in every woman's curves no matter how big or small. Sexy is an attitude. Beauty comes from within.
KAREN: My definition has not changed. No matter how caught up I might get sometimes with the media prescribed image of beauty, I’ve always leaned towards the theory that beauty is on the inside.
ALICIA: I approach beauty [post motherhood] in a more mature way. It's not what you look like rather, but how you act.
Do you feel more beautiful now that you are a mother, or less so? Why?
ALICIA: I am more beautiful as a mother because I have created a life and have a greater purpose than I did before.
KAREN: I feel less beautiful now but it has nothing to do with living the life of a mother; just the physical changes in my body that got me here.
BRITT: I do feel more beautiful now because I am confident and I really don't care too much about what others think of my appearance. Before I had children, I was very aware of the opinions of others and it did have an effect on me. Now, as long as my family is happy and healthy, that's all that really matters.
Do you have less body issues/concerns now that you are a mother, or more of them?
KAREN: About the same but their focus changed a little.
ALICIA: I think I have the same body issues, but they don't consume my day like they did when I was childless.
BRITT: Probably less.
What concerns you the most?
KAREN: My larger stomach and the abdominal skin that lost its elasticity, never to shrink back. I can deal with the cellulite and sagging (bras can work wonders!). I believe that one day, when I’ve decided to not have any more children, I’d like to get a tummy tuck to remove the sagging, stretched out skin but I don’t intend to suck out all the fat I’m too lazy to deal with in a healthy way. That’s something I’ll have to handle on my own.
ALICIA: Losing 5-10 pounds.
BRITT: My tummy will never be as flat as it was before three full term pregnancies. And while I would love to say that it doesn't bother me... honestly, I would love to have it fixed! I have tried working out, creams, lasers etc and unfortunately the only way to fix skin that is as stretched out as mine is to have surgery. I may do it one day, but for now it seems like a risk I can avoid by wearing a one piece bathing suit.
What do you do to address these concerns?
KAREN: Live with it as best I can, try not to look in the mirror much. I know I’m beautiful on the inside and the less I see myself in the mirror the easier it is to delude myself into thinking I look better than I do. Until I have the time and money for a personal trainer and chef, this will have to do.
ALICIA: Work out more.
What do you consider to be the most attractive aspect of you? How does this differ from before kids?
ALICIA: My laid back attitude and confidence.
BRITT: My attitude is my best feature. There is a confidence that comes with being a mother. You know that you love and you are loved and there is a security in knowing that. Before I had kids, I felt vulnerable and unsure of what my purpose was. After having kids, I knew that no matter what, if I was a loving mom, my kids would be the best investment of time and energy I could ever make. My kids were my top priority and they gave me purpose, which in turn gives me confidence.
KAREN: As a mother I don’t focus on my physical self as much as I did before children. I try to be of the opinion that this is who I am, if it’s not good enough for others, too bad. I’m here to be a good mother, not a model. If I spend too much time focusing on myself and my flaws then my daughter will pick up those cues and nasty habits. I don’t want her to grow up with a negative self-image or constantly worrying about it. I want her to be healthy in mind and body.
What do you do to make yourself feel beautiful and attractive?
BRITT: Self-care for me is a lot about having mental clarity and being relaxed. I don't take anything too seriously including myself. I take pretty good care of my skin with good products and facials. I'd like to say that I exercise, but I don't as much as I'd like to.
KAREN: It’s the little things that make me feel better since I don’t have as much time for myself as I once did. Getting a haircut, shaving, waxing, manicures, just taking care of myself. As a mom it’s so easy to let those things go in the interest of time and/or money.
ALICIA: Exercise and relax.
When your kids ask "what makes a person beautiful" - what do you say?
KAREN: Not everyone has the same idea of what’s beautiful just like not everyone likes the same food or the same color. It’s OK to think something is beautiful even if other people don’t agree with you. There is beauty on the outside as well as beauty on the inside. We can all see the outside but people are also beautiful on the inside because of the things they do or say such as being nice to each other and
helping each other.
ALICIA: [I say it's] their mind, attitude, confidence and, most importantly, how they treat other people.
BRITT: Confidence, kindness and love :)
A lot of women say that they are frightened of pregnancy and motherhood, not just for the awesome responsibility but the physical toll it takes on a woman's body. Let's face it - gravity and pregnancy don't usually conspire to make us tighter or more svelte. But motherhood in all its messy, crazy glory rewards women in other ways: making them wiser, more caring, and ultimately more beautiful.
We asked 3 moms - all Footsie guests at one point or another - to weigh in on how having kids has given them new ideas and perceptions of beauty. Our hot mommas are:
Britt Michaelian
The Smart Start Up Coach for Moms
3 children
Karen Jones
Administrative Assistant at Towers Perrin
1 child
Alicia Dunams
Author, business coach and publishing consultant -
1 child
Some things change (their personal meaning of the word "beauty"), and some things don't (the stretchmarks and saggy bellies). Ultimately, however, these women don't have a problem finding beauty in themselves - and teaching their children to do the same.
We hope that moms out there can sympathize. Feel free to add your own thoughts on the comment area!
Has your definition of beauty changed since having children? How so?
BRITT: Yes! When you look at your own children, you think they are absolutely gorgeous. When they smile, laugh, hug, kiss, sleep and even cry... there is beauty in each facet of humanity. I've learned to appreciate the beauty in everyone. When I took S Factor - yes, pole dancing class - I learned for the first time in my life to see the beauty in every woman's curves no matter how big or small. Sexy is an attitude. Beauty comes from within.
KAREN: My definition has not changed. No matter how caught up I might get sometimes with the media prescribed image of beauty, I’ve always leaned towards the theory that beauty is on the inside.
ALICIA: I approach beauty [post motherhood] in a more mature way. It's not what you look like rather, but how you act.
Do you feel more beautiful now that you are a mother, or less so? Why?
ALICIA: I am more beautiful as a mother because I have created a life and have a greater purpose than I did before.
KAREN: I feel less beautiful now but it has nothing to do with living the life of a mother; just the physical changes in my body that got me here.
BRITT: I do feel more beautiful now because I am confident and I really don't care too much about what others think of my appearance. Before I had children, I was very aware of the opinions of others and it did have an effect on me. Now, as long as my family is happy and healthy, that's all that really matters.
Do you have less body issues/concerns now that you are a mother, or more of them?
KAREN: About the same but their focus changed a little.
ALICIA: I think I have the same body issues, but they don't consume my day like they did when I was childless.
BRITT: Probably less.
What concerns you the most?
KAREN: My larger stomach and the abdominal skin that lost its elasticity, never to shrink back. I can deal with the cellulite and sagging (bras can work wonders!). I believe that one day, when I’ve decided to not have any more children, I’d like to get a tummy tuck to remove the sagging, stretched out skin but I don’t intend to suck out all the fat I’m too lazy to deal with in a healthy way. That’s something I’ll have to handle on my own.
ALICIA: Losing 5-10 pounds.
BRITT: My tummy will never be as flat as it was before three full term pregnancies. And while I would love to say that it doesn't bother me... honestly, I would love to have it fixed! I have tried working out, creams, lasers etc and unfortunately the only way to fix skin that is as stretched out as mine is to have surgery. I may do it one day, but for now it seems like a risk I can avoid by wearing a one piece bathing suit.
What do you do to address these concerns?
KAREN: Live with it as best I can, try not to look in the mirror much. I know I’m beautiful on the inside and the less I see myself in the mirror the easier it is to delude myself into thinking I look better than I do. Until I have the time and money for a personal trainer and chef, this will have to do.
ALICIA: Work out more.
What do you consider to be the most attractive aspect of you? How does this differ from before kids?
ALICIA: My laid back attitude and confidence.
BRITT: My attitude is my best feature. There is a confidence that comes with being a mother. You know that you love and you are loved and there is a security in knowing that. Before I had kids, I felt vulnerable and unsure of what my purpose was. After having kids, I knew that no matter what, if I was a loving mom, my kids would be the best investment of time and energy I could ever make. My kids were my top priority and they gave me purpose, which in turn gives me confidence.
KAREN: As a mother I don’t focus on my physical self as much as I did before children. I try to be of the opinion that this is who I am, if it’s not good enough for others, too bad. I’m here to be a good mother, not a model. If I spend too much time focusing on myself and my flaws then my daughter will pick up those cues and nasty habits. I don’t want her to grow up with a negative self-image or constantly worrying about it. I want her to be healthy in mind and body.
What do you do to make yourself feel beautiful and attractive?
BRITT: Self-care for me is a lot about having mental clarity and being relaxed. I don't take anything too seriously including myself. I take pretty good care of my skin with good products and facials. I'd like to say that I exercise, but I don't as much as I'd like to.
KAREN: It’s the little things that make me feel better since I don’t have as much time for myself as I once did. Getting a haircut, shaving, waxing, manicures, just taking care of myself. As a mom it’s so easy to let those things go in the interest of time and/or money.
ALICIA: Exercise and relax.
When your kids ask "what makes a person beautiful" - what do you say?
KAREN: Not everyone has the same idea of what’s beautiful just like not everyone likes the same food or the same color. It’s OK to think something is beautiful even if other people don’t agree with you. There is beauty on the outside as well as beauty on the inside. We can all see the outside but people are also beautiful on the inside because of the things they do or say such as being nice to each other and
helping each other.
ALICIA: [I say it's] their mind, attitude, confidence and, most importantly, how they treat other people.
BRITT: Confidence, kindness and love :)
Alicia Dunams,
Britt Michaelian,
Karen Jones,
Mother's Day
April 6, 2010
Meet Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth and Fortune
We at Footsie talk incessantly about your wonderful Inner Goddess - that all powerful, all feminine part of you that sometimes needs to be coaxed out to play.
That's why we thought we'd honor some of our favorite, real-life Goddesses from the world's different cultures. Nothing like setting a good example for the powerful woman within!
This month's feature: Lakshmi, Hindu Goddess of Wealth and Fortune
The word ''Lakshmi'' is derived from the Sanskrit word Laksme, meaning "goal." Lakshmi, therefore, represents the goal of life, which includes worldly as well as spiritual prosperity. In Hindu mythology, Goddess Lakshmi, also called Shri, is the divine spouse of Lord Vishnu and provides Him with wealth for the maintenance and preservation of the creation.
In her images and pictures, Lakshmi is depicted with four arms. She wears red clothes with a golden lining and is standing on a lotus.
The four arms represent the four directions of space - symbolizing her omnipresence and omnipotence. The red color sybolizes activity. The golden lining (embroidery) denotes prosperity. The idea conveyed here is that the Goddess is always busy distributing wealth and prosperity.
Lakshmi also has contemporaries in other religions:
Diana - The Roman goddess of the hunt (Artemis in Greek) who helps keep you focused on attaining your goal.
Bridgid - Celtic Irish goddess of inspiration, poetry, birth and blacksmithing; she helps you find your creative flow.
Nemesis - Of course she's a woman... the Greek goddess of retribution helps you handle office politics and troublemakers while helping you see ways you sabotage yourself - so you can avoid them.
You see, ladies? In our daily battles with dollars, doldrums and disappointment - we're hardly alone. Cultures throughout history have given us wonderful archetypes to empower ourselves, create and distribute wealth, move forward with the things we want to do, overcome any obstacles in our way. With all these fierce and fortune-giving ladies on your side, you can do anything!
That's why we thought we'd honor some of our favorite, real-life Goddesses from the world's different cultures. Nothing like setting a good example for the powerful woman within!
This month's feature: Lakshmi, Hindu Goddess of Wealth and Fortune
The word ''Lakshmi'' is derived from the Sanskrit word Laksme, meaning "goal." Lakshmi, therefore, represents the goal of life, which includes worldly as well as spiritual prosperity. In Hindu mythology, Goddess Lakshmi, also called Shri, is the divine spouse of Lord Vishnu and provides Him with wealth for the maintenance and preservation of the creation.
In her images and pictures, Lakshmi is depicted with four arms. She wears red clothes with a golden lining and is standing on a lotus.
The four arms represent the four directions of space - symbolizing her omnipresence and omnipotence. The red color sybolizes activity. The golden lining (embroidery) denotes prosperity. The idea conveyed here is that the Goddess is always busy distributing wealth and prosperity.
Lakshmi also has contemporaries in other religions:
Diana - The Roman goddess of the hunt (Artemis in Greek) who helps keep you focused on attaining your goal.
Bridgid - Celtic Irish goddess of inspiration, poetry, birth and blacksmithing; she helps you find your creative flow.
Nemesis - Of course she's a woman... the Greek goddess of retribution helps you handle office politics and troublemakers while helping you see ways you sabotage yourself - so you can avoid them.
You see, ladies? In our daily battles with dollars, doldrums and disappointment - we're hardly alone. Cultures throughout history have given us wonderful archetypes to empower ourselves, create and distribute wealth, move forward with the things we want to do, overcome any obstacles in our way. With all these fierce and fortune-giving ladies on your side, you can do anything!
March 24, 2010
The ultimate revenge
Having lunch the other day with some girlfriends, we couldn't help but giggle at Katheryn Bigelow, she of The Hurt Locker and First Female To Win Best Director Oscar. I mean, what are the chances that:
a) you directed the best movie of the year,
b) in the same year your EX HUSBAND directs the most successful film of all time,
c) everyone expects your best husband to win the Oscar, and
d) he doesn't, and YOU DO.
Isn't revenge sweeeeeeeeet?
I don't direct films in Syria, and thus can't win Oscars for my effort, but ohhhh how I wish I had a Bigelow moment as I was extricating myself from a long and messy relationship about 4 years ago. Of course it ended badly. And of course I had revenge fantasies left right and center of how I was going to show HIM how much better my life became without him.
Of course, anyone who's ever tried using someone else to fuel a desire for happiness will understand when I say it completely backfired. The more I tried to show HIM how frikkin' fantastic I was, the more miserable and hung up on him I remained. And the more I lit up the word "REVENGE" with my neon anger, the more bitter, bitchy and boring I was to boot. Nobody wanted to hang out with me lest I share my latest mental scenario ("I'd like to spray the word "LIAR" on his car with butane and light it on fire!" "I want to sneak into his house and put rat poison on his pizza!" - charming things like that). You can only imagine how that must have translated to my face: dark circles, flat eyes, bad skin - I was a Revenge Zombie in a B-rated horror movie.
Slowly but surely - and with a great big boost from my then good friend and now fiance - I learned to let go of my anger and focus on the brighter side of my life. After a job change, a few shopping trips and a re-entry into yoga, I started finding my balance again and - dare I say - learned to be happy through focusing on me.
That's kind of the main thing we try to foster at Footsie. Learning to look at yourself and like what you see; learning to focus on YOU as opposed to HIM or THEM or "WHAT THEY THINK" - that really is the best revenge. When you're trying to get over a man, get over him by getting into yourself!
Katheryn Bigelow's real revenge wasn't the fact she won an Oscar (though admittedly that is some very major icing on the cake). It was the fact that after her heartbreak, she picked up the pieces, threw herself into work that she loved, made a life and a name for herself and (seemingly) is now pretty dang happy.
I can only hope that when we host more divorce parties we can impart that "happy to be me" vibe to our ladies - because nothing helps a boudoir shoot like a confident, self-loving vibe. And nothing says "Hey boys - I'm BAAAAAAACK!" like a picture of you looking happy, and ready to rock and roll.
a) you directed the best movie of the year,
b) in the same year your EX HUSBAND directs the most successful film of all time,
c) everyone expects your best husband to win the Oscar, and
d) he doesn't, and YOU DO.
Isn't revenge sweeeeeeeeet?
I don't direct films in Syria, and thus can't win Oscars for my effort, but ohhhh how I wish I had a Bigelow moment as I was extricating myself from a long and messy relationship about 4 years ago. Of course it ended badly. And of course I had revenge fantasies left right and center of how I was going to show HIM how much better my life became without him.
Of course, anyone who's ever tried using someone else to fuel a desire for happiness will understand when I say it completely backfired. The more I tried to show HIM how frikkin' fantastic I was, the more miserable and hung up on him I remained. And the more I lit up the word "REVENGE" with my neon anger, the more bitter, bitchy and boring I was to boot. Nobody wanted to hang out with me lest I share my latest mental scenario ("I'd like to spray the word "LIAR" on his car with butane and light it on fire!" "I want to sneak into his house and put rat poison on his pizza!" - charming things like that). You can only imagine how that must have translated to my face: dark circles, flat eyes, bad skin - I was a Revenge Zombie in a B-rated horror movie.
Slowly but surely - and with a great big boost from my then good friend and now fiance - I learned to let go of my anger and focus on the brighter side of my life. After a job change, a few shopping trips and a re-entry into yoga, I started finding my balance again and - dare I say - learned to be happy through focusing on me.
That's kind of the main thing we try to foster at Footsie. Learning to look at yourself and like what you see; learning to focus on YOU as opposed to HIM or THEM or "WHAT THEY THINK" - that really is the best revenge. When you're trying to get over a man, get over him by getting into yourself!
Katheryn Bigelow's real revenge wasn't the fact she won an Oscar (though admittedly that is some very major icing on the cake). It was the fact that after her heartbreak, she picked up the pieces, threw herself into work that she loved, made a life and a name for herself and (seemingly) is now pretty dang happy.
I can only hope that when we host more divorce parties we can impart that "happy to be me" vibe to our ladies - because nothing helps a boudoir shoot like a confident, self-loving vibe. And nothing says "Hey boys - I'm BAAAAAAACK!" like a picture of you looking happy, and ready to rock and roll.
March 19, 2010
Spring Fling - how to be fertile in mind, body and heart
Spring has finally sprung! The days are longer, the nights are warmer, and all things in Nature are ready to wake up and get fertile.
"Fertility" usually refers to reproducing offspring - but for the modern female homo sapien, having a fertile mind and spirit is just as important as having ovaries that do their job right. After all, in our busy lives we don't just give birth to children - our ideas, thoughts, what we give to others and to ourselves are all part of our creative nature, and should all be celebrated.
Here are some ideas to jump start your spring and get your juices flowing!
A Fertile Body
Time was when a woman who couldn't conceive was considered somewhat of a failure in society. But in this day and age - with all the added pollutants, stresses and responsibilities that women have - it's harder than ever to find the time, resources or even desire to have kids. Even though the optimal childbearing age for women is between 25-29 years, most women are waiting til their 30s or even early 40s to have kids. That in turn creates a greater risk of infertility and birth complications.
As if that wasn't enough, The National Institute of Health has found that sperm counts in men have dropped dramatically. One study shows a yearly drop of average sperm count in the US at 1.5%. In Europeans, that number is double (maybe all that cigarette smoking?). Looks like we've got some slow swimmers in this lane...
If I even started with insurance costs at this point, this post would be a mile long. Suffice it to say that holistic strategies exist (athough we do recommend visiting a doctor of your choice -holistic or Western- to properly asses and diagnose anything). A couple of websites offer self-hypnosis and massage as a way to create a healthy and receptive environment for conception. The self-hypnosis doesn't just tackle medical reasons for infertility; it also helps deal with underlying emotions and other "mental blocks" that may exist in women trying to conceive. And massage, well, doesn't it help just about everything?!
Here's a sneak peak at the self-massage treatment:
A Fertile Mind
Springtime is a great occasion to open up new vistas and grow out of stagnant habits and thoughts. But how do you give your noggin the extra jolt it needs to feel new again? Unsurprisingly, the answer seems to be exercise. Just like working out your other muscles, your brain benefits from the blood flow and the "happy hormones" released by exercise, resulting in increased creativity. In a study conducted by the Creativity Research Journal, a group of 60 students was divided into 3 - one did no exercise, while the other 2 groups did. All groups were then given the Torrance Test for Creative Thinking (the second group of exercisers took their test 2 hours after the exercise, while the first group took it immediately after). It came as no surprise that the exercise groups scored significantly higher than the non-exercise group.
Another way to spark your brain up is by doing mental exercises. and other brain-teaser sites are choc full of activities you can do to improve memory, cognition, and reasoning. If all that feels just too much like high school for you, try a word game like Scrabble or Boggle - creatively thinking of ways to put words together may open up some room to be creative in other fields as well.
A Fertile Heart
How many more potential opportunities will you be able to find if you start meeting new people? Listening to new music? If you signed up for a class or joined a volunteer group?
I recently joined the Rotary Club in San Francisco and was completely amazed to find out that the 100-year old organization I had just gotten inducted into was primarily responsible for eradicating polio from the planet. They took an epidemic where kids of a certain age knew at least one other kid permanently crippled from the disease, and turned it into an easily-administered inoculation that wiped the virus out and has confined it to only 4 countries. I had that awesome, rare moment where I truly felt how small I was in the world, but also a great desire to make that little bit mean something to the world before I left it.
Giving back, paying it forward - whatever you call it, creating happiness and restoring normalcy in the life of an underprivileged person is just as precious and important as carrying a baby to term. There is no shortage of sadness and injustice in the world, and each of us have a responsibility to help alleviate as much of it as we can, while we can. A fertile heart may not get you instantly rich, or win you any awards (unless like Bill and Melinda Gates, you can afford to give $250 million at the drop of a microchip). But peace of mind and gratitude from strangers who have benefited from your generosity are priceless gifts that may well lead to other - more fruitful - things.
To find other volunteer resources near you, visit and
March 10, 2010
More Sexy Food - and an easy, luscious dessert recipe
Here we are with more foods that have proven to be "sexy" throughout history - whether as a virility booster, and aphrodisiac or just because they are shaped suggestively (check out thecommich's post on PETA's Superbowl Ad ).
An open fig is thought to emulate the female sex organs and traditionally thought of as sexual stimulant. A man breaking open a fig and eating it in front of his lover is a powerful erotic act. Serve fresh Black Mission figs in a cool bowl of water as it is done in Italy and be sure to eat with your fingers!
The 'heat' in garlic is said to stir sexual desires. Make sure you and your partner share it together. Garlic has been used for centuries to cure everything from the common cold to heart ailments. This is a good time for moderation. Enjoy a pasta with a lightly garlicky sauce and it and lead up to something spicy in the bedroom later.
The banana flower has a marvelous phallic shape and is partially responsible for popularity of the banana as an aphrodisiac food. An Islamic myth tells the tale that after Adam and Eve succumbed to the "Apple" they started covering their "nudity" with banana leaves rather than fig. From a more practical standpoint bananas are rich in potassium and B vitamins, necessities for sex hormone production.
Given it's phallic shape, asparagus is frequently enjoyed as an aphrodisiac food. Feed your lover boiled or steamed spears for a sensuous experience. The Vegetarian Society suggests "eating asparagus for three days for the most powerful affect".
Ginger root raw, cooked or crystallized is a stimulant to the circulatory system. Perhaps a stir-fry with freshly grated ginger can stir something spicy up in the bedroom later.
Coriander (Cilantro seed)
The book of The Arabian nights tells a tale of a merchant who had been childless for 40 years and but was cured by a concoction that included coriander. That book is over 1000 years old so the history of coriander as an aphrodisiac dates back far into history. Cilantro was also know to be used as an "appetite" stimulant.
The scent and flavor of vanilla is believed to increase lust. According to the Australian Orchid Society, "Old Totonac lore has it that Xanat, the young daughter of the Mexican fertility goddess, loved a Totonac youth. Unable to marry him due to her divine nature, she transformed herself into a plant that would provide pleasure and happiness." Fill tall Champagne glasses to the rim and add a vanilla bean for a heady, bubbly treat.
...And finally - let's put a couple of these sexy ingredients to the test with a little dessert!
Thanks to Epicurious for a fast, easy recipe that includes 3 of our featured aphrodisiacs
An open fig is thought to emulate the female sex organs and traditionally thought of as sexual stimulant. A man breaking open a fig and eating it in front of his lover is a powerful erotic act. Serve fresh Black Mission figs in a cool bowl of water as it is done in Italy and be sure to eat with your fingers!
The 'heat' in garlic is said to stir sexual desires. Make sure you and your partner share it together. Garlic has been used for centuries to cure everything from the common cold to heart ailments. This is a good time for moderation. Enjoy a pasta with a lightly garlicky sauce and it and lead up to something spicy in the bedroom later.
The banana flower has a marvelous phallic shape and is partially responsible for popularity of the banana as an aphrodisiac food. An Islamic myth tells the tale that after Adam and Eve succumbed to the "Apple" they started covering their "nudity" with banana leaves rather than fig. From a more practical standpoint bananas are rich in potassium and B vitamins, necessities for sex hormone production.
Given it's phallic shape, asparagus is frequently enjoyed as an aphrodisiac food. Feed your lover boiled or steamed spears for a sensuous experience. The Vegetarian Society suggests "eating asparagus for three days for the most powerful affect".
Ginger root raw, cooked or crystallized is a stimulant to the circulatory system. Perhaps a stir-fry with freshly grated ginger can stir something spicy up in the bedroom later.
Coriander (Cilantro seed)
The book of The Arabian nights tells a tale of a merchant who had been childless for 40 years and but was cured by a concoction that included coriander. That book is over 1000 years old so the history of coriander as an aphrodisiac dates back far into history. Cilantro was also know to be used as an "appetite" stimulant.
The scent and flavor of vanilla is believed to increase lust. According to the Australian Orchid Society, "Old Totonac lore has it that Xanat, the young daughter of the Mexican fertility goddess, loved a Totonac youth. Unable to marry him due to her divine nature, she transformed herself into a plant that would provide pleasure and happiness." Fill tall Champagne glasses to the rim and add a vanilla bean for a heady, bubbly treat.
...And finally - let's put a couple of these sexy ingredients to the test with a little dessert!
Thanks to Epicurious for a fast, easy recipe that includes 3 of our featured aphrodisiacs
March 4, 2010
Sexy Food part I - Aphrodisiacs in your everyday cooking
We all know about the naughty reputation of oysters (though some of us prefer not to go near that very, er, unique, texture). But who knew the humble almond could get your significant other hot under the collar? Or that the root word for "avocado" was something you probably wouldn't want your kids to hear?
Aphrodisiacs are all around our kitchen - and just like summoning the goddess in you that's just waiting to come out, cooking sexy can be as simple as looking at what's in the fridge.
Footsie SF's resident caterer, Carrie Primavera, sheds some light on foods that have been celebrated for their aphrodisiac powers throughout the centuries - and she uses them in all the food we serve at our parties. Sometimes it's based on the shape of the veg, other times it's the heat it lends your palate (and hence, your body). One thing's for sure though - these foods are best shared with someone special.
Almonds - A symbol of fertility throughout the ages. The aroma is thought to induce passion in a female (almond perfume anybody?). Try serving Marzipan (almond paste) in the shapes of fruits for a special after-dinner treat.
Avocado - The Aztecs called the avocado tree Ahuacuatl which translated means "testicle tree" (I told you, you don't want your kids to know.) The ancients thought the fruit hanging in pairs on the tree resembled the male's testicles. This is a delicious fruit with a sensuous texture. Serve in slices with a small amount of Balsamic vinegar and freshly ground pepper.
Carrots - Carrots are believed to be a male stimulant. The phallus shaped carrot has been associated with stimulation since ancient times and was used by early Middle Eastern royalty to aid seduction (did Bugs Bunny know how sexy he was?). High in vitamins and beta-carotene. Perhaps a justification for a piece of carrot cake?
Honey - Many medicines in Egyptian times were based on honey including cures for sterility and impotence. Medieval seducers plied their partners with mead, a fermented drink made from honey. Lovers on their "Honeymoon" drank mead and it was thought to "sweeten" the marriage.
**More aphrodisiac foods - and sizzling recpies - coming in the next post!
Aphrodisiacs are all around our kitchen - and just like summoning the goddess in you that's just waiting to come out, cooking sexy can be as simple as looking at what's in the fridge.
Footsie SF's resident caterer, Carrie Primavera, sheds some light on foods that have been celebrated for their aphrodisiac powers throughout the centuries - and she uses them in all the food we serve at our parties. Sometimes it's based on the shape of the veg, other times it's the heat it lends your palate (and hence, your body). One thing's for sure though - these foods are best shared with someone special.
Almonds - A symbol of fertility throughout the ages. The aroma is thought to induce passion in a female (almond perfume anybody?). Try serving Marzipan (almond paste) in the shapes of fruits for a special after-dinner treat.
Avocado - The Aztecs called the avocado tree Ahuacuatl which translated means "testicle tree" (I told you, you don't want your kids to know.) The ancients thought the fruit hanging in pairs on the tree resembled the male's testicles. This is a delicious fruit with a sensuous texture. Serve in slices with a small amount of Balsamic vinegar and freshly ground pepper.
Carrots - Carrots are believed to be a male stimulant. The phallus shaped carrot has been associated with stimulation since ancient times and was used by early Middle Eastern royalty to aid seduction (did Bugs Bunny know how sexy he was?). High in vitamins and beta-carotene. Perhaps a justification for a piece of carrot cake?
Honey - Many medicines in Egyptian times were based on honey including cures for sterility and impotence. Medieval seducers plied their partners with mead, a fermented drink made from honey. Lovers on their "Honeymoon" drank mead and it was thought to "sweeten" the marriage.
**More aphrodisiac foods - and sizzling recpies - coming in the next post!
February 24, 2010
Thanks for the testimonials!
Our fabulous females have written some glowing testimonials on Yelp and on our feedback forms. Thanks ladies!
It was so fun to feel comfortable walking around in lingerie with friends. I loved getting my hair and makeup done, the warm ups and photography. It was all fantastic! - Ashley
The Footsie SF experience was loads of fun and a great confidence builder.This was an opportunity that I will never forget and will always be grateful for my Footsie SF experience! Thanks gals for everything! - Nicole
Feel free to visit our Yelp page:
It was so fun to feel comfortable walking around in lingerie with friends. I loved getting my hair and makeup done, the warm ups and photography. It was all fantastic! - Ashley
The Footsie SF experience was loads of fun and a great confidence builder.This was an opportunity that I will never forget and will always be grateful for my Footsie SF experience! Thanks gals for everything! - Nicole
Feel free to visit our Yelp page:
February 22, 2010
What would your Goddess do?
I am still riding high from the amazing first party we had last Feb. 20. The Dance Loft was crackling with good vibes and female energy from the 4 unbelievable ladies who attended.
One particular woman, Britt Michaelian, said something to me that night that I'll never forget. Complimenting our little setup, she said "this reminds me of Sheila Kelly's S Factor, where they really encourage you to let out your feminine energy and reveal your Goddess."
First of all, since Sheila Kelly's S Factor is one of the most popular all-female movement classes in the country, this is incredible praise. But it really got me thinking about what a larger role our company and others like us play in the development of women. I really want Footsie SF to be more than a fun thing you can do with your friends. If a woman can come to our boudoir parties, and leave feeling like we've given her some freedom to let it all go, free to be a woman, free to be a GODDESS - then I will consider this company a success.
Too often, we (women) are so swamped with kids, work, chores, the Significant Other, office politics, the gym, and everything else - that we forget, somewhere inside our aching feet or rumbling tummies, that a Goddess awaits.
If you had nothing to lose and only had a day to let your Goddess out, what would that Goddess do? Would she be a moonlit hunter like Diana? A fleet-footed athlete like Nike (and the rest of the amazing women currently in the Olympics)? Or would you be a creature of pleasure like Aphrodite? A font of wisdom like Athena?
I think mine would immediately take off for a warm beach, swim, run around, and dance wildly in the moonlight til the sun rose. At which point it would immediately order waffles, bacon and a 2 fried eggs for breakfast. And a mimosa. (something like a slightly less ferocious Filipino version of the Maenads)
What would your Goddess do?
Britt Michaelian,
S Factor,
Sheila Kelly
February 16, 2010
The Best Lingerie for Your Body Type
I've said it once and I'll say it again - not all of us wear dental floss down there.
And as hard as porn stars make us want to believe it, I just can't seem to find the sight of me in a Brazilian-cut G-string sexy. I just feel... lumpy. And unsupported. Not tight and lithe - which is how I feel in my ultimate Goddess moments, when the hormones are balanced just so, the hair and makeup are working, and I've had a good workout and a salad for lunch.
Thank God there are other alternatives to wearing nothing (or a lacy something that might as well be a decimal point to nothing).
Take a good look at yourself in the mirror - don't lie about what you see! - and check out lingerie options for your body type HERE
February 11, 2010
All Woman
One of the comments I most often hear from women when talking about Footsie is "it looks like fun, but I'm fat and can't pose like that." Or, "this is just something for you little people to do!"
Admittedly, women who agree to publish shots of themselves in underwear will tend toward the petite. But that doesn't mean that a healthy, normal woman can't look smoking hot for a boudoir shoot!
I love women like Nancy Hayssen, who posed nude - gloriously showing off her curves - for a Hollywood billboard in response to another one showing an emaciated model (for an anti-anorexia ad). CBS picked up the story in 2008 saying it "shocked the world..." Not sure about the hyperbole but I do think it was a great move!
Looking through her website you can't help but see how gorgeous Nancy is. She undeniably projects sexy - not just through showing the right amount of cleavage; she does it through her confidence and the sparkle her eyes.
Dove Soap came out with their "real beauty" campaign in 2007 aiming to boost self esteem in young girls, to eliminate the concept of having to look a certain way based on what they see in magazines. For me, the best part about the campaign is seeing normal sized women in real underwear (not all of us wear dental floss down there) happily hanging out with each other.
Of course, the aim of our boudoir shoots is to look our flirty and sexy best - and strategic posing and positioning goes a long way toward making sure we're accentuating the positive. But, as Crystal Renn shows in these UNREAL looks for Australian Bazaar, it's mostly about just letting it go and throwing yourself into the moment.
It takes all shapes and sizes to make a world, and EVERY woman, regardless of weight, height or body type, deserves a chance to feel beautiful and sexy.
Admittedly, women who agree to publish shots of themselves in underwear will tend toward the petite. But that doesn't mean that a healthy, normal woman can't look smoking hot for a boudoir shoot!
I love women like Nancy Hayssen, who posed nude - gloriously showing off her curves - for a Hollywood billboard in response to another one showing an emaciated model (for an anti-anorexia ad). CBS picked up the story in 2008 saying it "shocked the world..." Not sure about the hyperbole but I do think it was a great move!
Looking through her website you can't help but see how gorgeous Nancy is. She undeniably projects sexy - not just through showing the right amount of cleavage; she does it through her confidence and the sparkle her eyes.
Dove Soap came out with their "real beauty" campaign in 2007 aiming to boost self esteem in young girls, to eliminate the concept of having to look a certain way based on what they see in magazines. For me, the best part about the campaign is seeing normal sized women in real underwear (not all of us wear dental floss down there) happily hanging out with each other.
Of course, the aim of our boudoir shoots is to look our flirty and sexy best - and strategic posing and positioning goes a long way toward making sure we're accentuating the positive. But, as Crystal Renn shows in these UNREAL looks for Australian Bazaar, it's mostly about just letting it go and throwing yourself into the moment.
It takes all shapes and sizes to make a world, and EVERY woman, regardless of weight, height or body type, deserves a chance to feel beautiful and sexy.
body image,
boudoir photography,
plus size,
February 10, 2010
So much fun with Nicole
I am posting some of the album pages I designed for her.
Monica michelle
Welcome to the fun, fabulous, feminine world of Footsie SF
Are you sick of spending your precious money on male strippers for your best friend's bachelorette?
Tired of the same old clubs and scrambling for cabs at the end of a birthday party?
Are you a new mom? Newly divorced? Have you forgotten what it feels like to be worry free and beautiful?
Girlfriend, we've got your back.
We are an all-female event hosting company that wants nothing more than to give you and your best girlfriends a great night out - HOT pictures to prove it!
Here's how it works: you take your friends, come to our loft in San Francisco, get treated to catered food and professional styling... and take gorgeous, one of a kind boudoir photographs to bring home and treasure.
Not model size? Who is?! Our in-house photographer Monica Michelle has captured all shapes and sizes of women and knows how to hide the bad stuff while glorifying the great stuff.
Our resident dance instructor and fashion stylist, Val Cunningham, will help select your wardrobe based on our awesome party themes, and even give you a warm-up/movement lesson to help you get acquainted with your body and prepare for posing.
Last but not least, your party host for the night Michi Valeriano will ensure that everything goes smoothly, safely, and with the maximum amount of fun.
We'll be offering promotions, limited themes, and feature our awesome partners on this blog... so stay tuned!
We hope to see you at one of our parties. Because we all know you deserve it ;-)
Tired of the same old clubs and scrambling for cabs at the end of a birthday party?
Are you a new mom? Newly divorced? Have you forgotten what it feels like to be worry free and beautiful?
Girlfriend, we've got your back.
We are an all-female event hosting company that wants nothing more than to give you and your best girlfriends a great night out - HOT pictures to prove it!
Here's how it works: you take your friends, come to our loft in San Francisco, get treated to catered food and professional styling... and take gorgeous, one of a kind boudoir photographs to bring home and treasure.
Not model size? Who is?! Our in-house photographer Monica Michelle has captured all shapes and sizes of women and knows how to hide the bad stuff while glorifying the great stuff.
Our resident dance instructor and fashion stylist, Val Cunningham, will help select your wardrobe based on our awesome party themes, and even give you a warm-up/movement lesson to help you get acquainted with your body and prepare for posing.
Last but not least, your party host for the night Michi Valeriano will ensure that everything goes smoothly, safely, and with the maximum amount of fun.
We'll be offering promotions, limited themes, and feature our awesome partners on this blog... so stay tuned!
We hope to see you at one of our parties. Because we all know you deserve it ;-)
boudoir photography,
event service,
girls night out,
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