February 11, 2010

All Woman

One of the comments I most often hear from women when talking about Footsie is "it looks like fun, but I'm fat and can't pose like that." Or, "this is just something for you little people to do!"

Admittedly, women who agree to publish shots of themselves in underwear will tend toward the petite. But that doesn't mean that a healthy, normal woman can't look smoking hot for a boudoir shoot!

I love women like Nancy Hayssen, who posed nude - gloriously showing off her curves - for a Hollywood billboard in response to another one showing an emaciated model (for an anti-anorexia ad). CBS picked up the story in 2008 saying it "shocked the world..." Not sure about the hyperbole but I do think it was a great move!

Looking through her website you can't help but see how gorgeous Nancy is. She undeniably projects sexy - not just through showing the right amount of cleavage; she does it through her confidence and the sparkle her eyes.

Dove Soap came out with their "real beauty" campaign in 2007 aiming to boost self esteem in young girls, to eliminate the concept of having to look a certain way based on what they see in magazines. For me, the best part about the campaign is seeing normal sized women in real underwear (not all of us wear dental floss down there) happily hanging out with each other.

Of course, the aim of our boudoir shoots is to look our flirty and sexy best - and strategic posing and positioning goes a long way toward making sure we're accentuating the positive. But, as Crystal Renn shows in these UNREAL looks for Australian Bazaar, it's mostly about just letting it go and throwing yourself into the moment.

It takes all shapes and sizes to make a world, and EVERY woman, regardless of weight, height or body type, deserves a chance to feel beautiful and sexy.

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