June 15, 2010

Sheila Kelly Speaks the Truth

Just a quick shout out to the ever lovely, ever inspiring Sheila Kelly (from the pole-dancing school S Factor, whose message of self-love and self-discovery has women all over the US moving in time to their own rhythm). Val discovered an interview on the Tabby Biddle blog and I wanted to share it with you all. Tabby - thank you for your well thought out questions!

I hope you can read the whole article through - it's an unbelievably powerful manifesto of freeing yourself from sexual repression (and no, that does not equate to acting like a slut). It's also a challenge for women everywhere to celebrate our sexual energy, that wonderful and mysterious part of us that makes us powerful, beautiful and unique.

Let's stop thinking of "sexy" as a dress size, a certain height, or a certain lack of clothing. Sexy is a mindset - a position of loving ourselves and showing that love to the world. Nobody proves it better than Sheila.

Check out Sheila's fabulous interview HERE.