I got an email the other day from a good friend of mine who had just been through the Footsie website. After declaring her love of the idea of a boudoir party, Karen made a fantastic point. I hope she won't mind me quoting her here as I love her honesty and tone.
"If I were in the market for a service like this," she wrote, "I would be very self-conscious and unsure about booking a party. I know your site says everyone woman's beautiful, but it can be hard to believe that your service can make an average, larger or older women look good, too."
Karen, you're not alone. I get this question/sentiment a lot when I talk to women about our parties. At first, us Footsie ladies were just plain blown away by the number of nubile, beautiful women who allowed themselves to be photographed and appear on our site. BUT - precisely because these women are beautiful (and most of them have modeled at one time or other), they do belong to the very rare percentage of females who don't mind showing their bodies in public. I mentioned to Karen that it's challenging to find a woman who doesn't have perfect model proportions to be willing to bare it all for the web.
Now....Here's the amazing, mind blowing part. Karen actually agreed to model for us. Not only that - she brought her friend Melissa. Not only THAT - they both agreed to show their pictures on our site!
Karen and Melissa joined our uber hairstylist
Lisa Holt (who also volunteered to be in front of the camera) and did a boudoir shoot so fun, they wished we had started earlier and ended MUCH later. Here are some of the gorgeous pictures we got from the day.
I mean.... HOLY COW! Over and above the absolute gorgeousness, you can sense how relaxed, happy and confident these women are (this is also a huge testament to Val Cunningham's fashion styling and Monica Michelle's photographic prowess).
So. Any doubts about whether a non-model-sized woman can be beautiful in a boudoir picture? Any objections to the statement that beauty comes in all shapes, colors and sizes? Yeah.... didn't think so.